
Gender aspects in education

Role models and school: By virtue of its job of providing education, the school plays an especially important part in changing existing gender relations and breaking down traditional role models and gender stereotypes. Girls and boys go through the school system in a particularly decisive phase in their lives when initial decisions are being made about their future lives and gender stereotypes are formed and fixed. Discussing the topic of “gender equality” with their fellow pupils and with teachers and parents can help to set the direction of their behavior in their later lives. Young people should be motivated to review and question their own behavior in a critical way in terms of conventional notions. What concepts of femininity and masculinity are communicated by fellow pupils and students, teachers, parents and teaching materials? Where and how must educational content be changed to create gender equality?

Choice of subjects: More girls than boys are going into higher education, and in the area of school education they have already overtaken the boys. Numerous studies show, however, that girls develop less self-confidence in co-educational classes in the sciences and mathematics as well as history and politics and are less able to have their interests catered for than boys. In their career orientation, girls and young women frequently allow for the double load of family and career as a matter of course from the beginning, while young men still plan their lives essentially in terms of their careers. It is possible that these two situations contribute to the fact that girls primarily opt for traditional women’s careers and that their access to responsible careers in which they have a say in shaping society is made difficult. How can boys be motivated and prepared to take on careers that are typed as “female” and girls to take on careers typed as “male”?

Educational planning: As part of the planning and execution of any educational event, orientation to gender equality should at all times be borne in mind in the choice of topics, of those attending and those carrying out the event, the time and place of the event, advertising for the event and the working form and methods.


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  • Vernetzungsstelle für Gleichberechtigung und Frauenbeauftragte: , ein Projekt im Auftrag des Niedersächsischen Kultusministeriums.
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  • Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung: Mit der Genderperspektive Weiterbildung gestalten, Bönen 2001.
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